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Making the White Card Model

Today, I managed to complete my white-card model within the day [after printing off the A1 copy yesterday afternoon and creating the base from 4 layers of mountboard]. I began by considering how the different planes and objects would fit together - in consideration of the mountboards' 1.5mm thickness. From here, I cut out all the components from the A1 print with the correct adjustments necessary for construction. These were then outlined on the mountboard and numbered in co-ordination with the paper cut outs [as can be see below].


Above: Planning parts before spray mounting.


I then proceeded to spray-mount everything to the board and begin construction. Below is a brief documentation of the process and the final outcome [all written in more detail in my workbook].


Above: Construction Images.


Above: Final Outcome images.


As a summary, I didn't expect to get this model done so quickly, but luckily the room itself is quite simply to reconstruct. The only critisicm I'd give myself is to be even more precise with the cutting! With the final white model there were a couple of cut outs that weren't entirely right-angled and others which were perhaps a mm off; this caused problems later on in the process. I'm definitely going to take much more time with measurements and logistics when it comes to creating the colour model.

From here I am going to carry out some more in-depth research into my design and then begin planning the materials and methods needed in order to construct it. I'm also on the hunt for some more artists/screen content that could help direct my idea.

This Friday I will produce the basic structure for the colour model, ready to "transform" the following week.

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