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Independent Research Project [Overview]

Before starting this final project of 1st year, we had to decide our specialism for the next two years and I'd always known that it would be the Technical Arts & Special Effects pathway. Once I'd been briefed on the TASE independent research project, I had to make the decision on which era I would study and design from. Initially, I had planned to do brutalism in the 1950's; I had done some research on it before for A-Level architecture and created maquettes in a similar style. The plan was to explore this in more depth and expand my knowledge on a topic I'd previously touched on. However, I decided to take myself out of my comfort zone and do something completely new - I went for Vikings and Saxons.

Below is an overview of the research, design and development process along with the project outcomes.



Above: Highlighting key historical events from 405 - 1066 using multiple timeline resources.


Above: A range from helmets to figureheads to norse gods sculptures.


Above: My chosen era aren't particularly well known for their sculptural art, so I looked towards common items to see other kind of art forms and material applications.


Above: Summarising the reading and research I had done into 3 main catergories.


Above: Despite going round countless museums, it was near impossible to find a sculptural piece from my era that was larger than 10cm tall and well lit to draw from. This left me to draw from reference images, including the one shown above which exists at The Swedish History Museum.


Above: This second piece was only discovered in the past decade and highlighted the mythology of female warriorship. I decided it would be a nice contrast to the previous male-fertility sculpture.


Above: Further research exploring the role of females in this era.


Above: A research side-track that started after reading a Guardian article about the DNA confirmation of this grave. This began the design process.


Above: A first design idea which was soon scrapped as I'm not too interested in sculpting/drawing very literal representations of ideas using props etc. The plan was for something a bit expressive.


Above: Further research into female forms in Viking & Saxon sculpture.


Above: The final design combining 3 different elements from the research process.


Above: Using the few resources I had to make a maquette (most of which scavenged), I made a plan to create quite a painterly maquette without proper detail - but a general suggestion of its form.


Above: Following the plan to the T.


Above: Different views of the outcome, lightbox used for background.


Above: Some more dynamic shots.


Above: Over the period of a day with the Z-Brush tutor, I managed to put together the sculpture shown above.


Above: Different views of the outcome.


Above: More dynamic shots of the piece.



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